Defining a budget for your investment is the most important step and should be the first you take. Here is what to expect:
Construction costs: $100-$300+ per Square Foot (depending on scope: $300+ complete remodel of space, $200+ new construction, additions, cottages, etc, $100+ Basement/ ground level units, in-laws, etc.)
Calculate total construction costs first, then add:
Design fees: 5%-10% of total construction costs (7% Avg.)
Structural engineering fees (if needed): 2%-10% of total construction costs
Energy Consulting fees ('Title 24'): 0.5%-1% of total construction costs
Landscape Architect fees (consultant): 2%-10% of total construction costs
Permit fees (charged by city): approx. 5% of total construction costs
Finishes (not included in construction costs): 10%-20% of total construction costs
Every project has the potential for unknown-costs discoveries, such as: dry rot, weak foundations, failed structural elements, replacement and/or repair requirements by city officials, asbestos/lead removal, water drainage/proofing issues, code/legal issues, old electrical and plumbing systems, etc. Be ready to allocate 10%-25%+ towards these issues.
Contact us for a complimentary consultation and we will help you figure out your budget.